Jean Chrétien tribute in Toronto January 21st


Canadians will come together in Toronto January 21st   to Honour former Canadian Prime Minister . Jean Chrétien.

Mr. Chrétien turns 80 on January 11th.
Below is the Tribute Committee for the January 21st evening:

Charlie Angelakos
Gordon Ashworth
Marcel Aubut
Hon Jean Augustine
Hon Lloyd Axworthy
Charles Baillie
Hon James Bartleman
Laurent Beaudoin
Hon Don Boudria
Linda Boxall
Hon Claudette Bradshaw
Hon Judd Buchanan
Jean Carle
Hon Sharon Carstairs
Hon Martin Cauchon
Heather Chiasson
Michel Chrétien
Raymond Chrétien
Mary Clancy
Rt Hon Joe Clark
Hon Denis Coderre
Hon David Collenette
Hon Sheila Copps
John Cordeau
Hon David Crombie
Hon John Crosbie
W. Kip Daechsel
Hon Pierre De Bané
 France Desmarais
Hon Herb Dhaliwal
Hon David Dingwall
Hon Stephane Dion
Peter Donolo
Percy Downe
Hon Art Eggleton
Hon Gary Filmon
Ross Fitzpatrick
Phil Fontaine
Hon Myra Freeman
Paul Genest
Dominic Giroux
Paul Godfrey
Eddie Goldenberg
Yves Gougoux
Hon Bill Graham
Ron Graham
Charlotte Gray
Rt Hon Herb Gray
Mike Harris
Bruce Hartley  
Roy L. Heenan
Hon Céline Hervieux-Payette
John Honderich
Chaviva Hošek
Hon Michael Ignatieff
Hon Ron Irwin
Hon Donald J. Johnston
Hon Serge Joyal
Michael Kergin
Leo Kolber
Richard Kroft
Robert Lacroix
Hon Marc Lalonde
Jacques Lamarre
Claude Laverdure
Ralph E. Lean
William Leggett
Hon Bernard Lord
Marc Lortie
Hon Ed Lumley
Hon Allan MacEachen
Harold MacKay
Eric Maldoff
Hon John Manley
Rt Hon Paul Martin

Hon Marcel Massé
Michael McAdoo
Hon Frank McKenna
David McLean
Hon Anne McLellan
Hon Roy McMurtry
David Miller
John Milloy
Jim Munson
Patrick Parisot
Hélène Pelletier
Hon Pierre Pettigrew
Randy Pettipas
Martha Piper
Marie Poulin
Rob Prichard
Hon Bob Rae
John Rae
Hon Lucienne Robillard
Hon Allan Rock
Hon Roy Romanow
Indira Samarasekera
Sheridan Scott
Raymond Setlakwe
Hon David Smith
Paul Sparkes

Don Stewart
Ken Taylor
Hon Robert Thibault
Hon Paddy Torsney
Robert Trudel
Rt Hon John Turner
Michel Vennat
Hon Susan Whelan
Hon Michael Wilson
Robert Wright
David Zussman
Details of the event:
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Cocktails - 6:00 p.m.
Dinner - 7:00 p.m.
The Westin Harbour Castle
1 Harbour Square
Toronto, Ontario
Business Attire


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